Thursday, July 22, 2004


Yesterday, Jenn and the kids visited Althorp, the family home of the Spencer family and the memorial display about Princess Diana's life. They were able to tour the first floor of the house.

Althorp is only open for visitors for 3 months per year.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Pub Visit - The Red Lion (Adderbury)

Went there for lunch with work....Upscale but nice.....

Pub Visit - The Trout Inn (Wolvercote)

Went to the Trout Inn in Wolvercote on the outskirts of Oxford on Friday night. We got there early enough to be able to sit on the porch. The Trout Inn was originally built as a hospice for the nunnery across the canal from the nunnery itself.
The food was good and the desserts were awesome. In the distance we could see some of the buildings in the center of Oxford.
We attempted to visit the cemetery (Wolvercote Cemetery) where Tolkien is buried but it was closed...

Friday, July 16, 2004

Wolvercote: Site and remains of Godstow abbey

Wolvercote: Site and remains of Godstow abbey British History Online
More Information about the Nunnery

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Croughton History

Croughton means the farmstead or village on the fork of land. In 1086 Croughton was known as Creveltone.

Village Web Site

In 1991 a Roman Mosaic was found in an excavation.

More information on the preservation, etc. of the mosaic can be found here.

Croughton information from the English Heritage web site.

Beers, Ales, Etc!

Strongbow Cider
Mr Chubb's Lunchtime Bitter - West Berkshire Brewery
Director's Bitter - Courage Brewery
Abbot Ale - Greene King Brewery
Old Speckled Hen Ale - Greene King Brewery
Ruddles County - Greene King Brewery

Pub Visit - The Reindeer Inn (Westbury) & Westbury History

Jenn and I went to The Reindeer Inn in Westbury for dinner. Steak and Ale Pie was the order of the day. It was time to try pub food.

We took a walk around Westbury before eating. It was very small. The homes all seemed to have names and there was one thatched-roof house on the main street.

St. Augustine's (COE) is the church in the village. It is an old church with a cemetery around it's grounds. I am not sure of the age of the building but it appears that the parish has existed there since the 1200's and parish records exist going back to 1558. Pictures of the church can be viewed at 1, 2, and 3. According to the English Heritage Website, the parish dates to the 13th Century and is classified as a grade II (historical grading?)

More information about Westbury's history.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Market trip & ice cream farm

We went to the Finmere market and then to a farm that makes their own ice cream. Nothing fantastic but a nice low-key day out.

Thought: Capri-Sun (Capri-Sonne) from Germany is just funny

London!! - July 10th

London trip. We took the train from Bicester to the Marlebone station on the London Underground & then take the Underground to Charing Cross.

The train ride is alot of fun. You get a good view of the Chilterns (area between London and Bicester).

We come above ground right in Trafalgar Sq about 50ft from Adm Nelson's statue. It's an amazing way to get your first real taste of London. We then walk through St James's Park to Buckingham Palace. The flag is flying so the Queen is in residence. We just missed the changing of the guards because the first of the brief rain storms came through and we had to get out our rain gear.

We ate lunch in the park and them walked over to Westminster Abbey. The architecture is simply amazing! Just across the street is the parliament building. You get a great introduction to it as you walk between the Abbey and St Margaret's Church next the Abbey.

Big Ben is spectacular. It almost appears to glow the brass was so shiny.

Next up is the London Eye. It is across the Thames from Westminster so we don't head over there. We just take a few photos since get moving since the 2nd mini-storm of the day makes an appearance.

We walk up Whitehall past Downing Street. We ride the Underground up to the Piccadilly Circus station where the 3rd mini-storm of the day blows through.

We head back to Marylebone and take the train back to Bicester. It's been a great day but we are all exhausted.

Week 1 Thoughts

Warm English beer is pretty good!

Rain & wind come out of nowhere but can disappear just as quickly

Radio stations in Oxfordshire / Northants are lacking!!!

It starts to get light in the morning around 3:30 and doesn't get totally dark until around 11PM

Blackbird - first pub visit

Jenn and I went to our first pub on July 9th: the Blackbird in the village of Croughton.

New bitter tried!

Beachborough School

Went up to visit the school with the kids on the 5th to meet the headmaster and get a tour of the facilities. It is amazing what they have to offer. Natalie and Colin spend the day (July 7th) at the school going to classes with the students that they will be with next year.

Natalie will be in Form 2, Colin in Pre-Prep 2 and Rachel will be in Reception.

Bicester excursion

Drove into Bicester on July 4th to get to know the area. Had my first real English Bitter ( from the tap! )

July 3rd - Cow Feeding and driving

There is a small heard of cattle adjacent to the base that we feed grass through the fence. I've named on of them Pig since he will eat anything that you give him and push our cows out of the way to get the grass we're giving him.

The rental car arrives but we only drive around the base to get our first tast of British driving rules and roundabouts.

Plane Ride / Arrival

The ride itself was uneventful. But it was hilarious watching the kids go through security, on the airport shuttles and to the plane. Pulling their little suitcases behind then and wearing their backpacks.

The ride to the base as interesting noting the similarities and differences between US roads and vehicles.

From about 8 miles away down ( while still on the M40 ) you could see the bubbles!

T-9 -> T-1

We've been living at a hotel since the packout was complete. The kids have their own room and we head down to the pool/jacuzzi most evenings for an hour or so. It is kinda weird to go back to an empty house. The Eastern Bluebirds that have moved into Rachel's birdhouse laid 4 eggs that have finally hatched!

Headed up to Pittsburgh to visit family. The kids were happy because we got in a Kennywood trip. Natalie rode the Phantom's Revenge!