Monday, August 23, 2004

Visting Oxford

We decided to stay close to home this weekend so Oxford was our destination of choice. The park and ride lot made things so much easiers since the roads in Oxford are not very wide.

Our first stop was the Ashmolean Mueseum. We only made it to a few parts of the museum's rooms. The Roman Exhibit from an excavation in Narona(Croatia) was amazing. The detail on all the pieces of scultpure was fanatastic.

One of the other exhibits that we visited was their Egytian Exhibit. It contained a number of mummies, many amulets both large and small, and even a complete temple in one of the rooms.

We definitely will have to go back and visit the rest of the library during our time here.

We did a little walking around after lunch. We walked down to Christ Church College but didn't go in. We saved that for another time. Instead we walked in the Christ Church Meadow briefly.

We were going to climb up to the top of Carfax Tower in the center of Oxford but children under 7 aren't allowed. I've heard the the view of the city from the tower is great.

Next, we walked down High Street towards the Bodleian Library. The library was already closed for the day so we couldn't go in to see the exhibits or look around the architecture. The library is the British equivalent of the Library of Congress in the US.

At this point the kids were tired so we took the bus back to the park and ride and went home.

There are many more things to do in Oxford and we still plan to do as many as we can!


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