Sunday, October 24, 2004

Hastings Castle & the city of Hastings

Today, Sunday the 24th, was the second day of our Kent vacation though we ventured out of Kent today.

We drove down to the town of Hastings and, more specifically, Hastings Castle. Hastings gave it's name to the famous Battle of Hastings in 1066 that marked the Norman Conquest of England. William the Conqueror defeated King Harold of England in the battle that actually took place in the (now) town of Battle north of Hastings.

The castle itself lies on top of a tall cliff the overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. It lies in ruins today. In fact, a large portion of the castle has fallen into the ocean over the centuries. It was abandoned in the late 1200's after a few years of bad storms caused the cliff to collapse and take part of the castle with it. The views from the castle are amazing.

We were having so much fun in Hastings. After eating lunch we made a slight change in our plans and, instead of heading to 2 other castle that were in the area we decided to spend the day in Hastings. We walked along the beach. Instead of sand the entire beach was made of flint rocks that have been smoothed and shined by the constant movement of the waves. We then played a found of mini-golf. Colin had a furious comeback, after falling behind early, to win by 2 strokes.


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