Sunday, April 22, 2007


Leaving Rome we took a train down to Naples where we caught a local train service that took us down to Sorrento. Sorrento is a small beautiful town on the far side of the Gulf of Naples. Perhaps what struck me most was that pretty much all available land had lemons and oranges growing. We ate lunch as right after checking in (another great pizza / pasta / calzone meal) and then walked around town.

There were small stores up and down every street: inlaid wood carving, fruits, touristy items, butchers, etc.

I particularly liked the limoncello stores! Limoncello is a strong lemon-flavored alcohol drink that Sorrento is famous for. Yum!!! Creme di Limoncello is particularly tasty!

It was great just walking around the town: very calm and casual. Though I bet it gets crazy in the summer.

Both nights in Sorrento we decided to go to the local grocery store and by cheese and fruits for dinner. The locally-grown oranges were amazing. The best I've ever tasted. The second night I bought some fresh locally-produced cheese. Perfect way to end the vacation. The last night we also went out for our last gelato.

We left on Holy Thursday. At 3am that night there was going to be a Good Friday procession throughout town lasting 3 hours. All marchers were going to be dressed in all-black. It would've been great to see that!

Each of the three towns (Florence, Rome, and Sorrento) were different but each were also great to visit. Florence for its art and history. Rome for, well, Rome. And Sorrento for being the small and charming town that it is.


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