Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Visit to Pittsburgh / Wheeling

With everything starting to get in order at the house we headed up to Pittsburgh and Wheeling to visit Grandpa Bob & Jinx and Great-Grandmother Ethel. The kids hadn't seen them in a little over 3 years because we were overseas.

It was like old-time's sake coming back into town for both Jennifer and me. The first day we went down to Wheeling to see their Great-grandmother. She had been collecting dolls for the girls and nice metal cars for Colin. I got some old pictures of her parents to add more information to the family tree.

We then headed back to Pittsburgh and went to the Carnegie Science Center near Heinz Field in 'dahntahn' Pittsburgh.

On Sunday we all went to Kennywood (both for the kids and for me, too). I had gone there every year when I lived in Pittsburgh. The feel of a not over-hyped amusement park was great. Natalie and I rode the big & fast metal coaster, Phantom's Revenge. Natalie and Colin rode both the Jack Rabbit and Thunderbolt. The whole family went on the Raging Rapids and we all got completely soaked. The weather there was perfect (mid-80's) and it wasn't too crowded. A great day!

On the way home on Monday I had to stop and pick up a case of Iron City Beer and, to even things out, a case of Penn Pilsner, a Pgh micro brew.


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