Saturday, September 11, 2004

Christ Church College (Oxford)

Now that we're old hats getting to Oxford we ventured there and decided to see Christ Church College. We brought our lunch and ate it on the grass of the Christ Church park before taking a self-guided tour of the college.

The dining room of the college is very reminiscent of the dining hall in the Harry Potter movies. In fact Christ Church's dining hall was the basis for the one in the HP movies. One of the other famous literary connections (there are many) with Christ Church is Charles Dodgson, the author of Alice in Wonderland.

The chapel in Christ Church contains an amazing glimpse into the history of the oxford and the college, too. St. Frideswide's Shrine is the oldest relic in the chapel and dates to the 13th century. St Frideswidedie became a nun in the Oxford monastery, which was founded on her behest. She was buried in her monestary around which grew the town of Oxford.


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